Eye Color Tattoo If you're into messing with your eyes, you might like this.

WIM DELVOYE's tattooed pigs. Posted on October 22, 2009 by almostvelvet|


The Zen of No Enlightenment

Russians Are Tattooing Cats

IMG_4256 Wim Delvoye's tattooed pigs

the pigs and professionals to tattoo them with cartoons or symbols.

~Inked Animal Skin~

But who knew people actually tattooed pigs?


Tattooed pigs have been banned from a modern art exhibition in Shanghai.

Wim Delvoye's Tattooed Pigs. May 11th, 2008

Tattooed Pigs Feet Yummy buffalo

tattooed-pig-taxidermy-753595. Pigs have tattoos. by admin on Sep.25, 2010,

His Guinea pigs name is peacethis is his 1st tattoo and he wanted old

Swiss man sells back tattoo to gallery | LUXUO Luxury Blog

this to change.

Labels: Unique Cute Pig Tattoo Pig Tats Pictures, Images and Photos just
Delvoye make tattoo on stuffed pigs and pig skin.

Tattoo artists moved towards realism and turned their attention to real hogs