Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sort sorts frustrated

Sort sorts frustrated

There are several questions that I ask for the friends at all, and please answer yes or it could ask the people closest to you or to someone you love
* Ever feel upset and feel depressed because of traffic congestion that would not go wrong?
* What you feel when waiting for buses but the bus did not come - come when we must hurry home?
* Ever wanted to have the desire to work in a company that in the desire but to no avail because it is not commensurate with the ability of the company's needs?
* Once in fired by your boss when you feel you never have any feel apa2, really fired?
* Must make a decision who you choose to be your lover and feel confused to make decisions and you feel uncomfortable to others if they have to choose someone (the fruit simalakama kalie ye)
* To love a girl / virgin but ortunya not accept us?
* Males to school but are scared of the teacher because of fierce but lazy at home
These are just examples of some questions and please make the examples of other questions.
When we experience these things and we feel depressed or do not feel comfortable then we actually go in the category of Frustration (Sorry, yes ordinary ajaa)
based on the book I read by Drs. H. Ahmad Fauzi General stated in his book Psychology:
Types of Frustration can be classified
1. Frustration environment
=) Frustration caused by the barriers / obstacles inherent in the environment
2. Personal Frustrations
=) Frutasi which grew out of dissatisfaction with someone in achieving objectives in other words personal frustration is due to the difference between aspiration levels with levels of ability.
3. Frustration conflict
=) Frustration caused by the conflict from a variety of motives in a person. The existence of conflicting motives, the satisfaction of one motive will cause frustration for other motives. Among these motifs are:
a) The approach-approach conflict (choose one of two choices)
b) the conflict came away
c) Conflict-far away
Friend ....
Each of us always have weak spots do not feel guilty about feeling depressed let alone can not sleep already so difficult to eat more, more work ga concern, oh why thoughts he keeps yes, oh eeh melupakanya difficult.
wow i nga tercapi neeh target but should be. Oh God I love her but why nyokapnya fierce seeh amet. This lovely period I, the Sholeh kok ga ya want. Dizziness - dizzy. I want to select which one yes. the a gorgeous, the b-rich, the pious c ya wah amet complicated (hence do not playboy dong)
dah okay do not be angry if there is this tersingung mah-ga nyingung courtesies courtesies why only a small lesson, especially to friends - friends who lectures in psychology seeh. (Walah what I emang lecturer)
For Bloggers who primarily from the Department of Psychology Please add Postings on this please Koment long. And for observers or who ever ngalami (kok wah preman so seeh) yes koment well. free aja kok. please
Thank you